Allie you are like a pair of glasses that we all need.


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:) Thank you.

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Thank you Alan, for always reminding us that this isn't an abstraction, or "ancient history," it's something that we must always remember and that our leaders must work tirelessly to prevent ever happening again. On November 22, 1963, a Priest burst into my first grade class at Our Lady of Mount Carmel school in Camden, NJ. He came to tell us that President Kennedy had been assassinated. I'll never forget that day. Nor will I ever forget 9/11/2001, when I was in my friend and customer Greg Keane's office in Grand Rapids, Michigan and we heard about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We turned on the TV and were horrified when we witnessed the second plane crashing into Tower 2. I rented a car to drive home to CT, and I'll never forget the empty skies and eerie quiet everywhere in those first few days. In light of what happened in Israel on Oct 7, it's clear that violent terrorism still plagues the planet; we must remain militarily vigilant while seeking political and social remedies. Keep on speaking out, Alan. Your voice is critically valuable, and you reach an audience that political commentators don't really touch.

Fond regards, Tony and Amanda B.

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Thanks Tony.

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Remember where you were??? I do. Never ever forget....My high school sweetheart took the SI ferry to work in the North Tower..And vanished..RIP Rebecca..

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Never Forget.

Never Surrender.


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